What Sexy Ladies Do Before The Massage
Hi! My name is Mira. I’m professional sexy escort lady. Welcome to my blog again! Today you’ll know what sexy ladies do before the massage.
According to many sexologists, sexy massage is a fiction; in the end of the day sexy massage comes down to genital stimulation by a lady. Advanced experts believe that sexy massage by a lady is a separate type of massage that helps develop sexuality, increase sensuality, sexy massage by a lady even may heal from some sexual disorders (such as vaginism and impotence) caused by psychological problems.
Every lady should know: sexy massage is a good way to diversify your sex life, to better study the erogenous zones of lady’s partner and generally tune in to the romantic mood. Hey lady! Just don’t confuse sexy massage with sex itself! Although its goal is to deliver sensual pleasure, and ideally to bring to orgasm but the orgasm of the “massage therapist” is an optional element!
The “correct” sexy massage is a combination of classic massage techniques and petting. And if with the first one everything is more or less clear – the movements are described in any manual, then the latter directly depends on the preferences of the partners.
Someone excites by nibbling and slapping, and someone thrives on touching the body with an ice cube or tickling squirrel brush. Don’t forget about lubricant – no one will thank a lady for corns in intimate places. It’s not sexy lol.
Are you a young lady who have decided to make a sexy massage for the first time in your life? Ok, then check some tips below:
- Preparing. Safety precautions: no heavy meal, a minimum amount of alcohol, shortly cropped nails, and soft warm hands. Room should be warm too because it’s very difficult for a cold person to relax. I recommend to take a bath. It’s nice preparatory procedure. If its sizes allow, climb there together. If not, arrange a sexy show called “Sultan and Concubine” or “Cleopatra and Her Slave.”
- No extreme. Just wash gentleman (or a lady). Warm water helps to relax, aromatic oils and salts soothe the nerves, insist on a sensual wave. Lather and rub the skin both with a washcloth and hands, the main thing is to do it slowly and gently. A little secret: it makes sense not only to wash the hands and feet, but to stretch each finger. Now, when the partner is clean, fragrant and complacent – go to the main part.
Now you know what sexy ladies do before the massage. Stay tuned in my blog. See you later lady. Bye!