What Is An Escort Driver

Hi! My name is Mira. Welcome to my blog again! Today I’ll tell you what is an escort driver.

Have you decided to become an escort driver? Nice, driver’s profession is always in demand. It’s probably the only profession that will never leave you without a bread. And it is not necessary to have your own car to get this job. What should you do? Nothing extraordinary – just be the best of the best.

What skills are required to be an escort driver? Check it below:

  1. The escort driver is responsible not only for himself & transport, but also for passengers (clients & girls). Therefore, an escort driver must have at least 3 years of experience. It’s one of the main rules.
  2. What more needed to be done, what worked well & what new approaches might be taken? Keep fit. You have to look like fresh, so if you are too fat or ugly & stinky as a garden scarecrow than forget about it lol. Just be a professional & respect yourself.
  3. Avoid gambling attitudes towards driving. Leave it to computer games. What age is ok? Not younger than 21. C’mon, I believe you are grown boy lol.
  4. Stay predictable being on the road. Moving to another lane, turn on the turn signal. Better to be boring & slow but safety first. You obviously know what’s what.

So what is an escort driver? Escort driver is high qualified specialist with good manners in what place soever. Everyone may learn how to drive a car, I guess it’s not very hard. But not everyone can become an escort driver (and not everybody can do a high class escort services like Mira do lol). This profession imposes special requirements on the employee. It is necessary not only to drive a car well & avoid accidents that happen all the time on the roads, but also have a special sensitivity. It comes with experience & if you are professional you know what I’m talking about.

The road could be a very dangerous place sometimes, so escort driver must be watchful all the time & always keep calm. I mean be able to make the right decision in the shortest possible time. This will allow to avoid an accident, maybe even a serious one. So those who wish to become escort drivers should understand a big responsibility. And don’t forget: your passengers would be influential & respected people. It means perfection is a must. Escort driver should know the city great, look neat & be polite. Working as an escort driver is not very hard if you are well-disciplined man with a calm character.

Now you know what is an escort driver. Stay tuned for more news in my blog. See you later. Bye!

