Skinny Sexy Models

Hi! My name is Mira. I’m professional sexy escort model. Welcome to my blog again! Today I’ll tell you about skinny sexy models.

Scottish scientists conducted research and found out why males prefer skinny sexy girls. According to the results, skinny sexy girls, on a subconscious level, are associated with health and fertility.

Why skinny models are sexy? Scientists have created a mathematical model that expresses the ratio of the weight of a woman with the ability to bear children, as well as life expectancy. It turned out an interesting thing: clients are most attracted to sexy skinny models with a mass index of 24.2-24.8. The actress Kelly Brooke has just such parameters.

The scientists didn’t stop at this and conducted a survey of 1300 males. Do you want to know the results? Respondents gave their preference to sexy skinny girls with a body mass index of 17-20. Also in the course of the research they found out that skinny models, in the opinion of men, look much younger & sexy than full ones.

If you don’t strive for imposed ideals, fear arises: I don’t meet the standards, which means I am not good enough. Consequently, I will not have a decent gentleman, good sex and relationships. The emergence of such a false logical chain “skinny figure – gentleman – sex – happiness” makes women, even if they are objectively not overweight, to torture themselves with diets and gyms.

I think skinny models are really sexy. But keep in mind I mean skinny models not anorexic models (it’s ugly trend!). In modern society, there is a real cult of ideal female forms, which identifies two absolutely opposite concepts – beauty and thinness.

Skinny sexy models are watching us from the covers of glossy magazines and TV screens. Millions of men admire their skinny sexy bodies, and women of all ages dream of their appearance. The desire to comply with the fictional canons of beauty triggered a real boom in the incidence of anorexia nervosa, one of the most complex forms of eating disorders.

Some recommendations:

  1. “The losing-weighter” model is not sexy because she is always hungry, which means a bad mood. You must admit: gentlemen who respect themselves are not interested in a slender, but twitchy & embittered model. They prefer comfort.
  2. Believe me sexuality depends not on weight, but on self-esteem and the ability to enjoy life in all its manifestations. Yup, yup. Only this way.

So… What should I say at the end of this article? Stay true to yourself, love your body, go on gym or swimming pool, eat sweet fruit & be sexy. And yes, be positive and kind for no reason. Sincerely yours, Mira.

Now you know about skinny sexy models. Stay tuned in my blog. See you later. Bye!

