Sexy Pics Of Hot Models

Hi! My name is Mira. I’m a professional hot sexy escort model. Today I’ll tell you about sexy pics of hot models.

Sexy models know how to add erotic elements in relationships. Hot pics of sexy models help them attract more gentlemen. Hot pics of sexy models arouse interest to their questionnaires. Hot pics of sexy models is a great chance to demonstrate the beauty of their bodies, and men are love beautiful pics of escort models.

Ok, let’s start! Here are some secrets of professional hot pics:

  1. Sexy models keep the intrigue. Sexy models give a man a chance for a fantasy. Say, shoot yourself not completely naked, but in lace underwear. By the way, maybe this is the only time when he’ll really look at your sexy luxury lingerie, trying to see what is hidden in such a seductive package on high quality pics. In reality most men don’t hesitate to remove everything and forget the color of model’s sexy underwear (if you agree on intimacy, of course). Not cool, right?
  2. Sexy models use their imagination. In order to awaken in the client the desire to invite you on a date, you must show your creativity even in your naked hot pics at photo shoot. Say, instead of boring bare selfie in the mirror (even worse, with a flash!), better try to depict a dance.

    The first sexy hot pic – you are standing in the underwear, imitating the seductive movements, the second hot pic – you show that you intend to take something off of yourself, for your favorite clients you can take hot pics in transparent lingerie or even completely naked.

  3. Sexy models don’t use a lot of filters. You shouldn’t completely exclude filters, because with them the pic really look better & hot. But to go over the top and try to increase your lips, to make your hips or thighs bigger – it is somehow artificial. The client will be very disappointed if he sees that you are not so hot as shown on a pic. It means he’ll never order your services again, so why deceive him in such an absurd way? If you have complexes about a figure, just choose for yourself the most advantageous poses – this is the secret of beautiful hot selfies.
  4. Sexy models never ignore the background. The light is a key to a good shooting. Choose daylight, falling from the side, so the pic will be less contrast & really hot. Put a sheet of white paper under your chin if you take a self-portrait. The white surface reflects the light from the flash – the eyes shine and the skin structure look better. You can use white linens. Next: background. A minimum of distracting things. By the way, don’t be afraid to go too far with makeup: the camera eats up a third of the makeup. That is why on the shooting of the face models are painted in several layers.

Now you know some interesting things about sexy pics of hot models. Stay tuned in my blog. See you later. Bye!

