Sexy Love Massage

Hi! My name is Mira. Welcome to my blog again! Today I’ll let you know about sexy love massage.

Among the seemingly “cold” ladies, the ones most often encountered are those to whom their lovers simply failed to “pick up the key” revealing their sexy, love & sensuality.

A considerable number of such women for various reasons (starting from Puritan upbringing, notoriousness, shyness and ending with the exhaustion of official and household chores and concerns) simply don’t allow men to get to their most intimate, innermost sexy erogenous love zones. That is why “cold” women need to become more relaxed, remember: there is nothing forbidden in love! Well, in that case, even if kisses and caresses of almost any erogenous zones don’t give the desired effect, they should decide and allow their lovers to make an uncomplicated sexy love massage.

Start with a prelude. Before a sexy love massage, it is advisable to take a bath or shower with your lover. Well, and then hold a sexy love massage in the same bath, or in bed, on the carpet or even just on the chair. And it is best to do sexy love massage to the sounds of pleasant music or by the light of candles (especially if it is an aroma candle).

Before a sexy love massage your man should lubricate his hands with a pleasantly smelling cream or aromas (the following mixtures of essential aromas are most effective in such cases: 2 drops of jasmine, ylang-ylang, nutmeg sage or 1 drop of ginger oil and 2 drops of ylang-ylang and rose oil mixed with 30 ml of peach or olive oil). The hands must be warm, soft, and the nails on them short cropped.

Do sexy love massage in stages. The best position of the partner is lying on a stomach, this will give her the opportunity to a deep relax.

  1. The sexy love massage session starts from the back. But first of all massage the palms & rub the tips of the fingers.
  2. The next stage is a breast sexy love massage – a woman lying on a back. The movements are massaged from the edges to the shoulders, then gently massage the side surfaces of a body.
  3. In the prone position, a sexy love massage of the lower back is performed. In this case, the partner must sit astride and perform soft stroking with the palmar surfaces.
  4. Then the partner turns. Stroking her belly, the man slowly moves to the genital area, doing it with his palm and fingers gently, barely touching her skin. Movement can be performed in a circle.

Now you know about sexy love massage. Stay tuned in my blog. See you later. Bye!

