How Much Does It Cost To Start An Escort Service

Hi! My name is Mira. I’m a professional escort service baby. Today I’ll tell you how much does it cost to start an escort service. Let’s start!

If you think to start an escort service you should know about it a lot or have an experience in this sphere. Without enthusiasm, as well as without an idea of what is happening in the world of escort service, you’ll not be really succeed in the escort business. If you would like to start an escort services keep in mind it costs a lot. But it’s worth to pay the cost if you want to be a boss.

If you plan to start an escort services, get a profit on it & continue to expand it, you should start to provide the best services. Reputation is not given, it earns, it has no cost, it’s priceless. But at the same time It wouldn’t cost you a penny to start being honest with your clients from the day 1.

What if you are non-resident? To start an escort service a foreigner must submit an application to the prefecture to register a business. It is necessary to indicate the type of activity, position & real address outside France.

A little about some charges

  1. Profit tax. If the turnover is equal to or exceeds €7.63 million, the rate cost is 33.33%. If the turnover is lower than this amount, and the profit is less than €38,120, the cost of rate may be 15%.
  2. In accordance with the French legislation, for a resident of another country, only the income that the French company pays him is taxed. The total rate is 30% of the amount of dividends.
  3. Taxes is always complicated. So if you would like to start an escort service legal it’s better to hire a lawyer. It worth it because one silly mistake cost you the success.

To start an escort service in Paris, you’ll need a legal address. To get it, there are 2 ways: to rent the mailing address or rent an office. There are a number of companies that will help you with the first option, but it’s more convenient to have your office in Paris.
What will it cost start an escort service, overall? So… if you want to start an escort service it would costs $500k minimum or $1 000 000. If you need something unique & very special you need much more money. An hotel would costs €210 000 minimum. So if you are extremely rich you can buy something really exclusive like a 50 bedrooms hotel near the Arc de Triomphe. It costs in about €42 000 000 .

Now you know how much does it cost to start an escort service. Stay tuned for more news in my blog. See you later. Bye!

